Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

Posts tagged ‘year abroad’

The Rest of July!

The rest of the month was pretty much just odd meet-ups and wee outings… seeing as I was so sunburnt I didn’t take many photos of myself!

Bekah had to leave Japan so we went out with her for sushi one last time; Marlene’s parent’s came, Mitch and I walked around the local area a bit etc. We also nearly got murdered by a giant giant GIANT bug in the elevator, but Mitch calmly shepherded us out of the elevator and only told us about it afterwards, like the hero that he is. Close call, that one.

On the last day of July Mitch and I went for a bit of a Shinkuju adventure. After we watched Marlene do her speech about her massive Japanese report (She literally wrote more Japanese than I have ever written in English AND did a speech. Amazing), we headed to straight to Shinjuku park. It was very pretty and relaxing. From there we walked through the city to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building for the free 202 metre free observation deck. It was lovely! If you don’t want to spend the cash on the Sky Tree, it’s a great alternative.

Next up is August shenanigans! Stay tuned ❤

Climbing Mt. FUJIIIIII

July 26th and 27th, 2014. What a fantastic two days. And oh my, the pain. It was wonderful!

Mitch, Marlene, and I formed Fuji-san Dantai (Mt. Fuji Club, sorta), and climbed the damned mountain in 23 hours. It took so so long! I’m so grateful I got to do it, and with two perfect humans, too.

There are plenty of ways to climb Fuji. Stay on the mountain in a cabin with other travelers, climb in the day, sleep at the top and wake for sunrise, or do what we did, like the nutters we are, and climb through the night so you get to the top for the sunrise. Or at least, that’s the goal!

First things first; a bus to the fifth station. About half way up. You get some extra things from the shop that you might need on the journey, like oxygen for the other two, and souvenirs.

And so; the climb begins! It starts as a big long walk on relatively flat ground from the 5th station to the 6th. I think by the time we got there we had an inkling of what was to come, but we still had plenty of energy. You get to all these little waystations along the route, and by the second I decided I wanted a souvenir. Marlene had bought this big walking stick on which you get all the stamps of the waystations burned… So I got a mini version. The route had three main sections that I remember; zigzag uphill pumice pebble paths which for some reason were super hard for me. Rock climbing, which was hard for Marlene, and the top with the altitude, which was hard for Mitch. But the enveloping dark was just amazing; I knew we were in for a beautiful sunrise but I never even thought that we’d be able to see the freakin’ Milky Way. Obviously no photos of that, but one hell of a memory.

Because we were so slow at climbing (even a guy in shorts and flip flops passed us… what?!?!), we didn’t quite make the top for the sunset. But in a way, it was great, because we were on this little shelf with only 4 other humans around. We essentially had a private sunset experience. I hear they play funny music and stuff at the top, and if it’s all crowded then I think I prefer what we had 🙂

Once we’d rested and taken in the full glory of the sunrise, we started towards the top again. We were pretty darn tired by this point. We’d left in the afternoon the day before and had been climbing since about 7pm, so by the 4am sunrise we had been going for 8 hours of climbing and the travelling few hours before that too. But the summit awaited and we were excited!

Once we had had our nap, we finally made it to the top! Mitch and Marlene didn’t get on with the altitude so much so they had a bit of a rest in one of the open buildings full of benches. I really wanted to see the crater though so I went for a bit of an adventure. The loos were fun; you shoot a water gun at your pee to make it go away! The vending machines were wonderfully hilarious. The crater itself was beautiful and boy did I want to climb down into it but I didn’t quite have the energy.

Once I got back to the others, someone told me it was worse for altitude sickness to sleep and I had better wake Mitch up. He was NOT a happy bunny. He made it up, but he needed to go back down pretty darn fast once we woke him up. Marlene and I bought some souvenirs and then took a photo or two and we all started back down.

Poor Mitch was not doing so good on the way down. I took his rucksack and we went as fast as we could, but darn it was hard going. The pumice pebbles mean you’re always sliding, the downhill means your feet slide forward in your boots and your toes hurt, and I remembered to put suncream on the others but didn’t do my own face…. a mistake I will never forget! Tomato anyone? But it was still beautiful going down. The view was amazing obviously, and the sense of accomplishment was pretty awesome.

What a brilliant way to spend two days. We managed to figure out the bus home, and the trains… and the walk. I think this is going to be one of those very few experiences where I can say I was utterly, utterly, exhausted. And sunburnt to a crisp! I once heard that there’s a saying about climbing Mt. Fuji: you’re a fool if you never climb it, but you’re an even bigger fool if you do it twice! I think I’m that bigger fool, because I definitely want to do it again.


Mishmash July

We managed to do an awful lot in July 2014. So I am going to write you a big mishmash post! Hopefully lots of random pictures and not too many words 😛

On the 5th we went for a Gotcharocka concert – round two! We took a few more humans with us, and tall Mikey (who hadn’t even heard of the band) got the singer’s attention half way through the concert…. So envious! Mitch got hauled out for taking photos because he didn’t know it wasn’t allowed. A bit weird, coming from the UK where you can take whatever photos you like. But I managed to sneak a few on my phone 😛

On the 8th Mitch and I went to a new bunny cafe in Harajuku to stroke the fluffies =] Bonus ice cream and dinner with Michael and Nadja afterwards ^^

Talking of bunnies… ever been given a bunny by a man who had one under his arm while cycling around a park? No? I have. Yokohama is a brilliant place.

Next in the mishmash; a bit of Tokyo Dome and its random attractions. We went with Michael and Eriko, for the Moomin Cafe, and the pretty park out the back. It’s a pretty good place to hang out if you’re not sure what to do for the day.


Nadja, Marlene, and I have been on plenty of all-night karaoke sessions… But the first and only time we went all night clubbing was wicked. It wasn’t even that crowded and we only stayed a while, but we sat on some stairs in the street after and just chatted for ages. Made for one of those memories that sticks as a poignant moment in your mind.

I’ll end this one with a chilled day in Kichijouji; Owls, purikura and all-you-can eat fry-it-yourself dinner!

Todoroki Valley and Cirque du Soleil

On a hot July day, we went on an adventure to a place we had read about as being one of those ‘refuges’ from the city bustle. It was exactly that. You come from a small station and go down a cute staircase and suddenly you’re in a little river path with no city in sight. It’s great. About a 15 minute walk if you just go straight through, but we had some fun exploring the little shrines hidden here and there too so we spent a good 2 hours just enjoying the novel scenery.

A couple of days later we were back to the concrete jungle, but still surrounded by water; on Odaiba again 🙂 It was time for Ovo, the Cirque du Soleil show we’d been to buy tickets for a little while before. The show was just incredible. I have dabbled in circus a lot and watched an awful lot of stuff, so I went in thinking I’d love it but I wasn’t expecting to be surprised, let alone have my mind blown. But there really is nothing like a live Cirque show. It was truly incredible. And I got to go with Mitch, which made it even better. I remember every now and again that I am really glad we got to spend the summer together.

I’ll leave this one with a bonus picture of a Michael party we had to start off July; three of them in one room was pretty fun!


Takao-san Climbing, and Cat Cafe Frequenting

June 22nd was a half-planned, half “ooh that looks fun!” kind of day 😀 We planned to go to Mt. Takao, which is on the end of the Chuo line that takes me in an out of Tokyo from Tama. The mountain looked like it had a good day’s hike and then the rest we left up to chance. When we got there, we saw a Trick Museum from the train and immediately thought it looked like a right laugh! Turns out it was hilarious. Also it was peeing it down with rain so we managed to avoid climbing in the wet by doing the museum first. It was kind of pricey, but for the fun we had it was well worth it!

The mountain itself was really cool too! The funniest part was that on the way down we thought the river path would be lovely. What we didn’t realise is that they meant the river IS the path! Hahah XD You literally walk in the river to get down the mountain. It was a really nice walk and is easy to do in a day; bonus!

On the 24th we got a bunch of friends together and went to a cat cafe in Kichijouji. I love cat cafes, and this one was pretty excellent! One cat loved to be on people’s shoulders, and they had adorable munchkin cats. It was massive as a place and you could borrow manga and chill.

I’ll leave this one with a cruddy-but-best-I-could-do firefly photo. First time I have ever seen them! We saw a random huge line and a tent, and it turns out they just had a few cages of fireflies 🙂 It was cool, but I definitely want to see them in the wild now too 🙂


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