Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

Posts tagged ‘halls’

Snow in Tokyo and The Birth of Jacques-Alfred

Tokyo got some pretty crazy snow this year! I heard loads of different estimates, but suffice to say it was the best (heaviest) snow they’d had in ages!! Marlene and I planned to play in it on the Saturday (8th Feb) but we both decided against it, being mega tired and the weather being more of a slush storm than a nice snowy day! I felt bad about this on the day but was mega-pleased we saved our energy for the next day in the end. Saturday looked like this:


The Sunday was so much better; blue sky and thick snow. It was amazing! Marlene had never been in such thick snow either so it was good fun 🙂 We actually used this day as a chance for Marlene to learn how to use my DSLR, as she wanted to play around with it. So I have millions of photos to show you from this weekend! Our first look at the day from the dorms was promising:

It was really lovely to see the campus blanketed like that, I have really been able to see Tokyo in all the seasons! We got outside and Marlene discovered that Converse are not good snow shoes pretty fast >.< I luckily brought my walking boots from England so I had warm feet until the afternoon when they finally gave out (I hadn’t waterproofed them recently it seemed!) We played in the field bit for about an hour before we moved on to making our own adorable snowman! We climbed a mini hill, did some rolling in the snow, had a snowfight and then got down to business!

After literally rolly-pollying down the hill and throwing snow at each other, it was snowman time!! Marlene was amazed that the rolly-ball method actually works so we made him via that. At first he looked like an Alfred so we named him that, but as soon as we put his hat on, he became French! Hence, Jacques-Alfred. He went from cute to cuter and we were very happy with him.

At about 12.30 we finished our masterpiece and wanted to head back to the dorm to pick up some things for a trip to a yummy cafe that Marlene had told me about. Needless to say we found lots of fun things on the way!

We went first to Burger King; we were so hungry! They’d changed the chip styles too, they were amazinggggg. Afterwards we went to look at adorable things and take adorable pictures; no good day is complete without purikura!! What will I do without it in England?!?! And finally we gorged ourselves on matcha desserts. It was glorious.

We sat in that place for so long! It was cool, the first time Marlene and I had hung out for so long and just chatted away! After our food babies had finally dissapated somewhat, we headed back to TUFS and went to check on our little guy; he’d melted! Not completely but he no longer had much of a face and some people had clearly had a go at him 😦 So we patched him up and headed home. There was a gorgeous sunset to finish the day!

The next day after (our last!) class, we went back to visit J-A but someone had been round the night before and kicked all the heads off all the snowmen!! We were very sad. But with our friend Pat’s help, we remodelled him. We also played a made-up-on-the-spot game that was something like rounders/baseball with dodgeball. That was good fun! And of course the mandatory snowball fight, which we convinced Michael to join in on and all went after him ‘cos we’re mean like that! But he gave as good as he got of course!

I may also have run into J-A and knocked him over for good, so no one else could 😛 It was a really fun weekend! Especially good as it was a really fun memory to leave Japan on for my 5 week trip to England! Coming soon 😛

Stuff I have bought

In an attempt to stay awake I’m going to tell you all about the things I have bought in my first week and a bit. I reckon if I split them into necessities and luxuries it will be more fun 😛


  • Rice cooker – Due to the gloop I made in a saucepan, I figured this isn’t a luxury as I can’t actually make Japan’s staple food any other way.
  • Saucepan and Frying pan
  • Cuterlery and chopsticks
  • Knife and scissors and chopping board
  • A rice bowl and a normal bowl
  • 2 deep plates and 2 normal plates
  • A kettle – I bought one that just goes on the hob because it was only about 500 yen, whereas an electric kettle was about 4000 yen (about £3 vs about £25)
  • Sponge, washing up liquid and hand soap
  • Toaster – seriously I’m living on toast, this isn’t a luxury haha!
  • Mugs and glasses
  • Tea towels
  • Spatula
  • Conditioner, shower gel, ear piglers, toothpaste, loo roll, washing powder etc
  • New phone SIM – so I have a Japanese number and the miracle of internet when out and about

Thankfully a lot of stuff I could get from a bazaar that the halls held downstairs where you could get cheap 2nd hand items like my plates and chopsticks, mugs, bowls and some other random stuff like organiser trays and sponges and tape. Yay for cheap things! A lot of other stuff like the spatula and tea towels and glasses I bought from a 100 yen shop (but it was more like an ‘around 100 yen shop’) so I cut down on costs a little.


  • Blue tack for sticking up my photos
  • 3DS LL (XL if you’re western 😛 ) and a couple of games
  • Stationery
  • Desktop rubbish pot (I kept ending up with tiny bits of plastic all over my desk)

And aside from all of that I have spent loads more than I had though I would on train fares and food. I knew that being out in the sticks meant a fair bit of train journey to get to the centre of Tokyo, and their train fares are a little cheaper than England, but I have done a lot more commuting than I thought!

The food I knew would be expensive, but I’m just having issues figuring out what to feed myself. Other than a combination of rice, veg, chicken, soy sauce and egg I haven’t really found much  else. I have some cereal and bread which are lifesavers, and some instant ramen (noodles) when I’m in a pinch but I grow bored of the same food very fast. I might have to learn to love consistency!

Oh and lastly; Still to Buy:

  • Bedding – the halls let you rent bedding until the 23rd of October, but after that I have to get my own. This is good though, as some Universities don’t even offer the renting and you somehow have to sleep without even a mattress if you don’t have bedding already!
  • Handbag – I brought a rucksack with me but it isn’t that practical when you’re just going out for a couple of drinks!
  • TEXTBOOKS. These will probably be the most expensive things when added together, but I don’t know where to buy them from yet!
  • More food.

Setting up is costly and frustrating all in all I found. I don’t want to buy a lot of the stuff because I know I already have perfectly good ones at home (an irrational way to think I know but there we go) and because I wont be able to take much home so I’m sort of renting it, not buying it. I hope the uni or someone I know will know of an easy way to pawn of  the stuff to new students so I can make money back!

 But having said that, buying fancy things like a rice cooker is fun because I’ve never had one and I feel all fancy when I use it 😛 Plus who doesn’t like a bit of shopping?!

Thanks for reading 🙂

My room and stuff

For those who are curious as to what the TUFS International Halls building 2 rooms look like; here are some photos!!

The fridge is a useful surface for more electrical appliances!

The fridge is a useful surface for more electrical appliances!

I have spent a lot of time here.

I have spent a lot of time here.

You can see the fridge corner for a bit of spacial perspective! The yellow curtains have a sliding door and balcony behind

You can see the fridge corner for a bit of spacial perspective! The yellow curtains have a sliding door and balcony behind
I have a hob and a sink plus a few shelves here.

I have a hob and a sink plus a few shelves here.

My balcony overlooks the sports field, which is nice and the view is great, but I sometimes get woken up to loud sporty shouting around 6am. But having a balcony is novel 🙂 The sunsets are also pretty dramatic!



You can just about see the mountains in the background.

You can just about see the mountains in the background.

Isn't it beautiful? :)

Isn’t it beautiful? 🙂

A nice close up :)

A nice close up 🙂

Oh and here’s some bonus campus pics 🙂

This is a lovely road to the main part of the campus, my main lecture building being on the right.

This is a lovely road to the main part of the campus, my main lecture building being on the right.

So nearly every day these guys come with their carts and brooms to clean the leaves away. Seems a little obsessive to me but I guess it looks nice and they aren't using petrol powered blowers which is lovely :) This is from m balcony.

So nearly every day these guys come with their carts and brooms to clean the leaves away. Seems a little obsessive to me but I guess it looks nice and they aren’t using petrol powered blowers which is lovely 🙂 This is from m balcony.

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