Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

Posts tagged ‘club’

Amity Pom Pom Camp

Exactly as it sounds. Went with the pom dance gals to a club camp type thing. It was good fun! We stayed at a place that is designed for sports clubs to stay and practise for a few days. You get fed and you stay in big old rooms and there’s a beach nearby to let off steam and fireworks. I had a good time, but I definitely felt some outsidery third-wheel feelings. But it was nice of them to include me.

We stayed for three days, practised some dances, made up some silly ones for evening entertainment, and hung out as a club which was nice. In terms of photos, I think a big chunk of girls having fun will suffice! (It was WAY more innocent than I just managed to make that sound….)

All in all, quite a good few days! Boy was it boiling though.

I’m going to add an odd bonus day in here too; shortly after the camp I went on a meeting people mission. I managed to squeeze in a lunch and a dessert with Amyin Kichijouji, A butler cafe with Eriko, a spot of karaoke with the TUFSies, and a very drunken evening with a bunch of people in a new friend’s room!

Thanks for reading this far! Only a couple more until this wonderful year abroad is at an end… stay tuned…

Touring Tokyo; The Mark and Rob Edition – Harajuku and the Penguin Bar

This was the last day of the whirlwind holiday Mark and Rob spent with me. Sad I know, but we did loads of funny things so all in all, a good conclusion to Touring Tokyo!

I wanted to take Mark and Rob around Harajuku for the crazyness, and to see the Meiji Shrine as it’s so big and pretty. So off we went, checked out the busy busy Takeshita street, munched some crepes, had a laugh in the condom shop and then headed to the shrine. Funny story of note; at the condom shop, I nearly bumped into someone coming out of the shop so I apologised and instead of just walking off, this incredibly smiley lady burst out laughing and said we should take a photo! I have no idea why, but it was a great moment in my life. Photo proof below 🙂

Next up was the Meiji Shrine; that giant one I went to with Mitch previously. It was just as pretty this time 🙂 We had a walk around, and had particular fun trying to get a good photo of us all sat on a bench using the self timer! Spoiler: None of them turned out properly!

After our naturey excursion, we headed to Asakusa quickly to get a fox mask for Rob’s nephew(?). It was pretty cool to see the crowded market at night, and no one tried to get us to buy shiny plastic coins for absurd amounts of money this time!

Next was Penguin Bar time! We met up with Bekah who also really wanted to come, and went to the Ikebukuro bar. Turns out that this place isn’t just a touristy thing, they actually serve quite high profile people who get private rooms and stuff. But they had us riff raff to deal with tonight! The whole experience was pretty awesome. You get your normal wet towel, but it’s penguin shaped!! So adorable. The food was yum too. But best of all, we got to feed the wee critters! I felt quite bad for them in their tiny tiny pen though. But I can’t really resist the pull of seeing cute animals up close >.<

Once we were finished at the Penguin Bar, we decided to try and find some fun nightlife to finish off with. I think we headed to Shinjuku, and just wandered around until we found somewhere to hang out. This ended up being a bar for a little while, where Rob had a beer the size of his head! Bekah had to head home after that, but Mark, Rob and I wondered around a bit more.

We almost ended up in a strip club, but decided against it at the last minute. The guy at the door had to check that it was ok to let me in (as I’m female), and asked me if I like boobs, seemingly as the entry criteria?! We ended up being taken to an almost empty club by a person who was advertising for his establishment, so we had a drink there for a moment or so. We moved on kinda quick and found another pretty empty club, but this one had a fuller dance floor. Rob had a lovely beer shower and made a random friend, while I danced (horribly badly; ugh I wish I didn’t try to move sometimes) with a very cool dude dressed in camo trousers. It was a good night and I got home after it was light!

And that was pretty much the conclusion of the holiday! Mark and Rob came in the evening to visit my campus the next day, about 6pm or so. It was dark so I couldn’t show them much but it was nice to have them over. I don’t think I could have entertained any earlier though; I was very tired from being out all night! A good way to finish off the week. And with their flight home imminent, this concludes the Touring Tokyo chronicles with Mark and Rob 🙂

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