Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

Posts tagged ‘totoro’

J2 – Gary Comes to Japan! Part 2

Time for actual Kyoto! In three days we managed to hit most of the tourist spots and eat a good amount of ice cream 🙂

Our first destination was Ginkakuji; a big old temple I hadn’t managed to get to before. The scenery was really pretty, with sand sculptures and moss and praying mantis…

From there we walked down the Philosopher’s Path to the next temple, which turned out to be waaay cooler than we realised! You could go up the top of the gate in Nanzenji. It was cooler and shaded up there so we spent a good amount of time relaxing.

We carried on walking towards the town and the next temple; which I realised with a start I had already visited in my last trip! But all I remembered from last time was the sand garden bit. I didn’t realise that there was loads of stuff to do with Tsukumogami – everyday items that have been chucked away but took offense to this, gained a spirit and cause mischief. I did a wee essay on them for a module on my year abroad! It was great to revisit and have connections from before that I didn’t even know I had. Plus there’s cool dragon stuff there.

We literally stayed till close, and were walking out in this procession with a member of staff behind us like a shepherd XD We wandered back to the town and moseyed about, looking for dinner! We decided on Japanese curry, a favourite of Gary’s. He was amazed by putting cheese in it, but we swayed him pretty quickly 😀

I’ll end day one with a picture of all the tickets and stuff I got from the day 🙂img_20160917_210720

Ikebukuro and Sunshine City

Just a quick post about my first experience of Ikebukuro’s Sunshine City to delight and amuse 🙂 It’s December 16th, there’s Christmas presents to buy and sushi to be eaten!! I met Bekah and we headed straight for Sunshine; a huge underground(?) shopping mall! Our target was the Ghibli shop that Bekah had been to before to buy things for Amy, our SOAS friend who we were doing Christmas with 🙂 We had a good mosey round and I settled on some cute chopstick rests shaped like Totoro and a Moomin pen. I also snuck a hankie that Bekah was eyeing up into my basket, and bought myself an adorable Calcifer pancake pan! The shop also featured a very very cute little tree hideaway with a giant cuddly Totoro and some figurines; naturally I squeezed my gigantic self in there to have a gander; it was so sweet!

They had a lovely Christmas thing going on, there's a fountain that shoots up every now and again too!

They had a lovely Christmas thing going on, there’s a fountain that shoots up every now and again too!

The adorable Totoro tree

The adorable Totoro tree

My super pancake pan!

My super pancake pan!


Next up was sushi in our favorite sushi place and then an awesome trip to the purikura machines! We planned a few poses so they pictures turned out really well! We’re hilarious 😛

Sushi; as western as you can get it!

Sushi; as western as you can get it!



And there we have it!

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