Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

Posts tagged ‘visual k’

End of May and Some Very Beautiful Humans

Marlene introduced me to a band called Gotcharocka; a Visual Kei band. Basically they have incredible style, somewhere between punk and goth and a whole lot of awesome. We went to a concert at the end of May with Olivia and Nadja. It was one heck of an experience, I can tell you that.

What I learnt very quickly, is that fans of bands like these are very much fans. All of a sudden, we were the only few people NOT doing the dance moves that everyone somehow knew. It was very bizarre but also very cool. I took a couple of photos during the concert, even though it’s forbidden hehe. The whole evening was very fun; look how pretty we all were!

The next dose of lovely humans came went we went to something called a BL Cafe (boy love!). The idea is that you go and hang in the place that they have themed as a school, and you get to enjoy the atmosphere of all these cute boys who have adorable crushes on each other. It’s another bizarre, but pretty satisfying experience. You can even pay a little extra for a cute scene where the guys act out a little almost kiss scene. I definitely recommend it 😛

You’ll be glad to know that’s not it for pretty boys; next blog, Mitch arrives!


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