Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

Posts tagged ‘training camp’

Amity Pom Pom Camp

Exactly as it sounds. Went with the pom dance gals to a club camp type thing. It was good fun! We stayed at a place that is designed for sports clubs to stay and practise for a few days. You get fed and you stay in big old rooms and there’s a beach nearby to let off steam and fireworks. I had a good time, but I definitely felt some outsidery third-wheel feelings. But it was nice of them to include me.

We stayed for three days, practised some dances, made up some silly ones for evening entertainment, and hung out as a club which was nice. In terms of photos, I think a big chunk of girls having fun will suffice! (It was WAY more innocent than I just managed to make that sound….)

All in all, quite a good few days! Boy was it boiling though.

I’m going to add an odd bonus day in here too; shortly after the camp I went on a meeting people mission. I managed to squeeze in a lunch and a dessert with Amyin Kichijouji, A butler cafe with Eriko, a spot of karaoke with the TUFSies, and a very drunken evening with a bunch of people in a new friend’s room!

Thanks for reading this far! Only a couple more until this wonderful year abroad is at an end… stay tuned…

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