Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

Posts tagged ‘moss’

J2 – Gary Comes to Japan! Part 4

The last Kyoto day~

Mitch got sick in the morning, so we spent ages at home waiting for him to feel better. We skipped going up into the mountains in the north, so we have something to do next time!

We had a bit of a mission trying to find a locker at Kyoto station in which to put our luggage; seeing as everyone else wanted to do the same! We did eventually find one and grabbed the train.

We headed over to the bamboo groves in the end, and explored the surrounding areas until our train home in the evening. It was beautiful, and the weather was much better, so walking around was really pleasant. We even found time to go into the fancy garden in the bamboo grove. We had a look to see if a guy I once bought a balancing dragonfly from was there, but I think the light rain kept him home that day. The garden had a secret quiet house which we spent some time dozing and enjoying the peace. I got to do a bit of calligraphy too!

After bamboo goodness we went for moss goodness. Another place I’d been before but again it was great to slow it down! The walk back to the station took us through another cool temple too which was a nice way to end the day.

We got back to the station in good time and ended up having Chinese food for dinner. It was really spicy, but super yummy. Gary and I got a crazy matcha dessert too 🙂 Then back to Tokyo/Chiba on another bullet train in pure styyyyle.

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