Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

Posts tagged ‘meguro’

August – The Beginning of The End

Exactly two weeks left of my year abroad. Which means… check stuff off the want-to-go-to list!

For your viewing pleasure in this rendition of MasiyInJapan, we have the Sky Tree, a proper fireworks festival, and a couple of museums. Mitch hadn’t seen the Sky Tree yet, and it’s quite a fun place to hang out. They had a cute summer festival going on in the grounds too, so that was a bonus!

Next on the summer to-do list in Japan; a fireworks night. Coming from the UK where fireworks mean gloves, hot drinks, and lots of layers; going to a display when it’s so hot I want portable paddling pools for shoes was very odd. But the festive atmosphere was still in tact, and they might have the season backwards, but at least it’s still a night time activity! Mitch and I looked up a supposedly good display near us and had a wonder over. They take them very seriously here; selling seats and plots for picnics months in advance. But pretty things that go bang in the sky rock regardless of whether you have a seat in a pen or a spot on the floor, so we had a great time.

And on the third day of August, my true love gave to me, tickets to museums ♪

We checked out both the Edo Tokyo Museum, and the Meguro Parasite Museum. Both pretty awesome, one grosser than the other! If you’re squeamish, try and ignore the severed turtle head picture. Sorry not sorry.

In prep for the last few trips left to us in Japan, I decided to grab a new happy snap camera. I forgot to mention, but the dust on Mt. Fuji completely ruined the last one I had, and it was about 8 years old at that point. So here I am with my absolutely glorious new Nikon that shoots better than my DSLR!

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