Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

Posts tagged ‘fuji q’

A Bit of Fuji Q and Harajuku

One of the things I desperately wanted to do for my birthday in 2014 was go to an amazing theme park called Fuji Q. But of all the days that year… They closed the park on that one day! How mean eh?

We went a bit later anyway, and although it was far smaller a group than I planned, it was incredible. Bekah, Karen and I made our way to the park around 4.30am on May 14th (the journey was long and we didn’t want to miss a single ride). The best parts were the terrifying haunted house (they only chase you if you run…. We bloody ran), and the insane coaster called Eejanaika. I haven’t ever been so completely unsure if I’m upright or upside down! It is a must do for any thrill seekers. The best part, is that Mt. Fuji is right there; you are literally spinning upside down with a mountain about to fall on your head.


Obviously the next thing I did was karaoke with Marlene! And a few days later we went to Harajuku, bought some amazing wigs, and generally had an amazing time. I even tried beef tongue… so weir but tasty!

After such exciting days out, a good evening in with Michelle and pizza and FMA was well needed. We even took polaroids.


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