Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

Posts tagged ‘Christmas day’

The Mitch Chronicles Part 3 – Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

Christmas this year was certainly very different to usual!! For starters I had a presentation to do in class on Christmas Eve!! So at 4pm I moseyed over to m lecture building to deliver a speech on some Japanese Mythology; specifically ‘tsukumogami’ if anyone is interested – they’re household items that have been around 100 years and gained a soul… cool eh?!

Anyway, I came home expecting just Mitch, but clever Bekah had found her own way inside the building as we had planned to spend the night doing silly Christmas things and for her to stay over so we at least had some kind of family Christmas morning going on. So much for my hall’s ‘no one but residents allowed’ policy if Bekah can waltz in so easily! Christmas Eve consisted of going out for a meal in a curry place in Musashi-Sakai, watching the film Wolverine (and cringing horribly – it’s set in Japan so not only did we recognise loads of the places but we had to sit through the awful clichés!), drinking and falling asleep in a diagonal heap. How we fit 3 of us on my single bed I do not know. But when we woke up we did presents and had a sweet little morning. Bekah even made us stockings 🙂

Christmas day itself was so so different to how it usually is. Instead of waking up at home with family, stuffing ourselves silly after panicking about the timing of the meat and the oven breaking, opening lots of shiny things together, watching the film Mum bought me and wearing my new purple shirt, we went outside! We went to KFC in Musashi-Sakai with Amy and Bekah and confused every person there with mini crackers Bekah’s mum had managed to get through customs! It was very odd; the whole place was open as normal and people were working and acting as normal… the only people outside on Christmas day in England are moody teens who have had a fight with their parents or parents that have had a fight with each other! A Japanese Christmas was so weird; they get really really into it with all the decorations and things for sale, but they really miss the heart of it which makes the whole thing seem really cold and shallow. But anyway, we went to KFC and had a roaring time stuffing chicken and cake in our faces and then went for a wander to Kichijouji, a place near where I live that’s good for shopping. We had a mooch around some big shops and then found an amazing pet shop called ‘Dog-Wiz’ which induced fits of hysteria for some time and the locals who looking were at us laughing at a pet store thinking we were missing a few screws. We went inside and fell in love… tiny puppies!!! It was really sad and adorable all at once; they were in these tiny tiny clear cages and were clearly bored out of their minds and covered in their own wee which was awful but they were still so cute. Dogs just love no matter how bad things get… I feel like there’s a lesson there…? After we cooed at the tiny puppies for ages we sat in Starbucks and had some nice downtime to just chat. And then we went purikura hunting!! Oh yes, it was that time again! I knew there was one in Kichijouji as I’d done one there before with Sayuri, but the place in which I remembered it being wasn’t where I thought it was. How rude of it, to just up and change like that! Despite it’s unthoughtfulness we carried on searching for a while and eventually found it by accident and I still couldn’t tell you where it is!

Sadly that was were we called it a day, but Mitch and I went home and made more of those amazing crazy sweeties!! I’ll also post you some photos of my presents 🙂

Part 4 coming soon!

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