Stuff I'm getting up to on my year abroad =]

The most exciting day of the term so far!! At 9.30am – ish on December 19th 2013, Mitch finally came to Japan! I got some pictures from him the night before when he was in Heathrow, so I went to bed feeling like it was already Christmas that night!IMG_1612

Mitch and my Mum at the airport!

Mitch and my Mum at the airport!

I got up at 6am – ish to leave for the 6.52am train from Tama. Not only was it crazy busy with the salaryman rush-hour but somehow I managed to sit next to all the ridiculously smelly ones. I found out that the Japanese even have a word for the smell because it affects so many middle-aged men! More here: kareishuuย .

So after making my way across Tokyo to Narita Airport (with more than one mistake!) I finally got to the arrivals bit. This is where a lot happened that I wasn’t expecting! Firstly, after standing at the A gate for 25 minutes, I went to check if the plane was actually shoving people out there, and it turned out there was, in fact, a gate B as well. So feeling rather foolish I went to stand at B hoping that Mitch hadn’t already arrived and was sitting waiting for me. I couldn’t see him so I was pretty relieved, but that rapidly turned to worry as it crept closer to 10.30 and I hadn’t seen him at all when his flight came in just before 9.30. I was worried that he’d been stopped in customs for the ridiculous amount of food he was bringing me or something! But he finally made it out; turns out his bags just took a while and so did getting off the plane etc… Anyway! He wheeled his trolley over and we stood in everyone’s way and hugged for the first time in months and I felt right again. It was odd really; I didn’t feel like he’d arrived, or relieved or anything, I just felt as though my world was now proper again. So we went and sat down on a bench for a minute while I scoffed a croissant for lunch and then made our way back to the trains. This is where the funny happened, we got stopped by a team with a camera and my first though was “oh no, what do they want…” but it turned out to be some random interview show with foreigners and their first moments in Japan so we agreed to an interview. They asked us what we were doing in Japanese so I got my first chance to practice my interpretation skills, but it turned out they had an interpreter too so I didn’t get to do much ๐Ÿ˜› They asked what we were doing and the usuals but when they asked about the suitcases and why there were 2 giant ones for one Mitch, I was made to cover my ears for ages while he explained the Christmas presents, food and (I suspected) the ring! So I stood in front of a camera for a good 3 minutes humming to myself; not looking forward to watching that if they air it!

Mitch's flight, second from the top!

Mitch’s flight, second from the top!

A pretty display at the gate

A pretty display at the gate

First selfie of the trip :)

First selfie of the trip ๐Ÿ™‚

We had a great day planned that we’d agreed on a few weeks before; get home, watch New Girl all day and buy Dominos Pizza! It rocked. A day lying in bed, doing nothing but eating and watching TV ๐Ÿ˜€

Mitch had brought me plenty of things from England, some where Christmas presents and a lot were from my Mum ๐Ÿ™‚ It felt so great to have some luxuries from home, Mitch, good food and good deodorant and my day was made!

After many episodes of New Girl, loads of pizza and more eating, Mitch finally gave in to jet lag about 7pm. He did a good job to last nearly all day and I tried to push him past 8pm but when I turned round and his eyes were totally unfocused I just let him sleep!

IMG_1630It was so lovely to finally have Mitch back, that day was so great! Look out for part two soon!

Comments on: "The Mitch Chronicles Part 1 – Arrival!!" (2)

  1. So when are you going to be on TV? Glad you liked the advent calendar

  2. Judith Cooke-Sanderson said:

    All ready for next episode!

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